Twitch Plays Pokémon Wiki

The Throw Police is an organization that watches over "possible throwing" of matches on Twitch Plays Pokemon Battle Revolution. The DatSheffy emote is commonly used to represent the throw police.

Commander CoolKat, a well-known scientist around the cat community and is the commander of the Throw Police. It was said that his son had a tragic accident and he cloned his own son to created the Throw Police. He rewards his sons everyday with tacos, doughnuts and other various treats. Not only are the Sheffys comrades but also brothers.

Whenever a wrong move is made on either the "Red team" or the "Blue team" the Throw police takes action and pursues the team who committed the "throwage." Any member of the TPP chat can take part in the action against the throwing team, though members of the losing team very rarely join in, leaving the action to neutrals and the opposition.
